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Peter Keeling

Peter Keeling

National Science Foundation, USA


Peter L Keeling (PhD) is Director of the Innovation Program at the NSF Engineering Research Center for Biorenewable Chemicals (CBiRC), based at Iowa State University. Peter has over 30 years of R&D and management experience in the biotechnology and biorenewables sector. Peter received his PhD and BS degrees in Biochemistry from the Council for National Academic Awards, UK. After his postdoctoral research, Peter worked for the R&D division of ICI/Zeneca in what is now Syngenta, was a Co-Founder and Research Director of ExSeed Genetics and then became Unit Research Director of a division of BASF Plant Science. In 2009 Peter took his current role at the interface of academia and industry when CBiRC became fully operational. As well as working closely with CBiRC\'s industry members, Peter teaches entrepreneurship and runs the BioBased Foundry, a startup mentoring program.


Abstract : Innovations and developments towards advanced biomanufacturing of biobased chemicals

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