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Our conferences is giving a warm summon to you to the “9TH International Congress” on the theme of “Biopolymers Summit 2022” to be held on March 21-22; 2022 at London, UK.The source represents why is the Bio-based polymers are materials which are produced from renewable resources. Why??The global bio plastics & biopolymers market size is projected to grow from USD 10.7 billion in 2021 to USD 29.7 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 22.7% between 2021 and 2026


About conference

We remembrances each solitary of your presence to the “9th International Congress on Biopolymers & Bio plastics, to be conducted on March 21-22; 2022 at London, UK. This topic will help people directly or indirectly related to biopolymers.

We look to the fascinating gatherings young scientific benefits, speakers, expertise, universities, agriculture, problem solving’s, oral and poster presentation, furthermore incorporates shifted workshops guided by famous agents.

Target audience

  • Bio product companies
  • Biopolymer Associations 
  • Biopolymer Researchers
  • Biopolymer Industry
  • Biopolymer Scientists
  • Biopolymer technology Engineers


Sessions and tracks

1: Biomaterials and bioceomposits

Polymeric biomaterials are one of the foundation of tissue engineering. A long  range of materials has been used. Approaches have shown increasing elegance over recent years employing drug delivery functionality, micro patterning, microfluidics, and other technologies. Therefore, a profusion of previously unlinked technologies such as micro manufacturing, high-throughput screening, drug delivery, surface modification, and nanotechnology have become integral to the biomaterial aspects of tissue engineering, and many perspective have used more than one of these methods.

At Thesaurus, we are pioneering calcium compound devices to regenerate and repair bone and soft tissue is a material composed of two or more distinct constituent materials.. Thesauruses are divided into non-wood materials and wood matter, all of which present cellulose and lignin.

2: Advanced polymers

Advanced thesaurus method composite materials have obtained popularity in high-quality structure applications such as automobile, marine, and aerospace structures.

  • Molecular design technique to combine  advanced thesaurus for use in electronic devices
  • devices such as solar cells and natural field-effect transistor
  • The applications of advanced thesaurus or related composites used in electric devices such as solar cells and natural field-effect transistors

Fundamental mechanisms of the application of Advanced thesaurus  method  composite materials have obtained popularity in high-quality structure  applications such as automobile, marine, and aerospace structures.

3: Bio plastics and its applications

Degradable plastic are plastic materials produced from sustainable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oilscorn starchstrawwoodchipssawdust, recycled food waste, etc. Some bio plastics are obtained by processing directly from naturals.

Degradable plastics and its applications:

  • Packaging
  • Food-services
  • Agriculture/gardening
  • Consumer electronics
  • Automotive
  • Consumer goods and household appliances


Degradable plastics, like useable plastics, offer a large range of packaging applications. Some of the useable methods include bags for peat, agricultural foils, gardening, nursery products, toys, and textiles. Other areas have fold for contact articles including drinking cups, salad cups, plates, overwrap and lamination film, straws, stirrers, lids and cups, plates and containers.


Regular meals on the go are part of modern lifestyle. Some offer a large range of packaging applications. Some of the wrapped methods include bags for use, pest wrap, gardeners, nursery products, toys, and textiles. Other areas include fold for contact are drinking cups, salad cups, plates, overwrap and lamination film, straws, stirrers, lids and cups, plates and containers.

Agriculture and horticulture

Biodegradable thesaurus offer specific advantages in agriculture and gardening. covering film  are generally making rapid advances in these sectors: production of pure foods with a minimum use of pesticide is a powerful sales argument in vegetable-growing or organic farming

Other promising applications in agriculture and horticulture include: films for banana bushes which have to be protected from dust and environmental influences, fastening technology, plant pots for propagation/cultivation, fertilizer rods, or scent traps which no longer need to be removed after use.  The wrapping quickly and then plant growth can begin.

Consumer electronics

A large amount of clients galvanic device are made of plastics. Today, cover, circuit boards and data storage are made of plastic to ensure the appliances are light and mobile but being tough and, where necessary, durable. An increasing view of biodegradable products is introduced in the fast-moving consumer electronics sector: touch screen computer coverings, loudspeakers, keyboard elements, mobile casings, vacuum cleaners or a mouse for a laptop.

Automotive industry

In the automobile industry, maker has turned to bio-based or partly bio-based durable biodegradable to produce components as well as solid interior and exterior methods. Chemicals made completely or in part from nontoxic can provide a standard of safety that is of ultimate importance in the transportation sector. The products include seat and airbag covers as well as guide wheels.

With new change on the way, nontoxic will take up a greater share of the composition of automobiles and high-quality, fast-moving consumer appliances.

 4: Ocean plastics

Most of the plastic wastage in the oceans, Earth’s last sink, flows from land. Trash is also carried to sea by major rivers, which act as carrier belts, picking up more and more wastage as they move next. Once at edge, much of the bendy wastage remains in offshore.

At least 8 million tons of bendy end up in our oceans every year. Floating plastic accurate is currently the most abundant items of marine litter. Waste plastic makes up 80% of all marine accurate from surface waters to deep-sea grounds. Plastic has been detected on shorelines of all the continents, with more plastic pit found near popular tourist stations and slowly populated areas.

 5: Natural polymers

Natural thesaurus occurs in nature and can be expanded. They are often water-based. Examples of naturally occurring polymers are silk, wool, DNA, cellulose and proteins .Vulcanized rubber is a synthetic (man-made) polymer, while pectin is an example of a natural polymer. Rubber can be found in nature and harvested as latex (milky liquid) from several types of trees. A challenge for researchers is to select and modify the appropriate material for a scaffold that holds specific properties for the type of wound targeted.

6: Green composites in biopolymer

Natural threads reinforced biodegradables are known as “green hybrid”. It is an environmentally degradable hybrid that can be degraded by the action of environmental factors such as air, light, heat, or microorganisms.  A systematical classification based on the chemical structure of the bio polymeric matrices and the morphology of the natural reinforcements is proposed. In most cases, treatments and additives are used to prepare these green hybrids and overcome the problems related to poor bio thesaurus-filler interaction.

7: Synthetic polymers

Synthetic thesauruses are human-made thesaurus, often derived from petroleum oil. From the avail point of view they can be classified into three main methods: thermoplasticsurethane and synthetic fibers. Many of the thesaurus materials have chain-like structures which resemble polyethylene. Synthetic thesaurus is sometimes referred as “bendy”, of which the well-known ones are nylon and polyethylene. The polymers which are formed by linking monomer units, without the any change of material, are known to as addition thesaurus or also called as chain-growth thesaurus. All these are said to be synthetic thesaurus.

8: Organic polymers

Organic thesaurus are linear, branched, or cross linked, and they give rise to different types of artificial, such as untrusted or semi clear thermoplastics, urethane, and high-strength thread, which are essential to many modern ways. Other important natural thesaurus include the proteins, which are thesaurus of amino acids, and the nucleic acids, which are thesaurus of amino acids—complex part composed of nitrogen-containing bases, sugars, and Lucifer acid. The nucleic acids carry xenogeneic information in the cell. Carbohydrates, important sources of food energy derived from plants, are natural thesaurus contained of glucose.

9: Linear polymers

The thesaurus with a simple linear structure is formed linear thesaurus. In some thesaurus shorter chains grow off the long methods at certain ways, so that a branched structure is formed. In other thesaurus the branches become more and cross-link to other thesaurus chains, thus forming a network structure.  It is a single shore of units made from two carbon atoms and four fluorine atoms. When created, this linear thesaurus can create shore of threads or form a mesh that can be very strong and hard to break through.

10: Cross linked polymers

In thesaurus chemistry, when a fake thesaurus is said to be "cross-linked", it usually means that the entire bulk of the polymer has been exposed to the cross-linking method. Very high cross-link densities can cause materials to become very rigid or glassy, such as phenol ide materials. Depending on the cross-linking mechanism networks contain a certain amount of soluble thesaurus chains or clusters which can be quantified by sol–gel analysis. This initial small split formation is reflected in a stress-strain curve by the deviation from the linear range of the elastic constants.

11: Amorphous polymers

Vague high temperature amber have a randomly ordered molecular structure which does not have a sharp melt point; instead amorphous materials soften gradually as the temperature amber. In a vague thesaurus the molecules are oriented aimlessly and are entwine, much like cooked pasta, and the polymer has a glasslike, transparent appearance. In semi lucid thesaurus, the molecules pack together in ordered regions called lucid.

Vague amber loses their strength quickly above their glass transition temperature.

12: Functional polymers

The term “functional thesaurus” which in the following is adapted to “functional thesaurus” is defined as a thesaurus that (1) bears specific chemical groups or (2) that has specified physical, actinic, biotic, salutary pathological, or other uses which depend on specific chemical groups [1]. These can be chain-end (telechelic), in-chain, block or cutting structures. However, there has also been interest in functional thesaurus with special topologies or architectures.4 these include 3-dimensional thesaurus, such as stars, hyper branched thesaurus.

13: Guar gum

Guar gum is a galactomannan polysaccharide extracted from guar beans that has stiffen and fixed properties useful in food, feed, and industrial applications. Guar gum is a food extra that’s found throughout the food supply.

Though it has been linked to multiple health benefits, it has also been associated with negative side effects and even kept aware of use in some products.There is some interest in using thickener for emaciation because it enlarges in the intestine, causing a sense of plumpness. This may decrease hunger.

14: Biopolymer for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

From the middle of the 19th century, experimenter are trying to develop the bio-based thesaurus materials for medical applications, mainly as healing devices for the temporary implants of the scaffolds for tissue repairing. The tribune used in the tissue repairing the bone, tendon, cartilage, skeletal muscle, skin, ligament, vascular tissues, and neural tissues. Now various advanced technologies are adopting to build porous tribunes for resolving the organs or tissues for suitable application in the tissue formation.

15: Biopolymer in bio fibers and microbial cellulose

Lactose is amongst the most unending natural source of thesaurus available on the globe. It is present in sapling, plants, fruits, woof and leaves in the form of key structural element of the cell wall of plant tissues. The bio fibers could capture under sunlight It contains lignin and hemicellulose as additional products when outlying, which need to be removed to obtain Nano fibrous lactose. Lightweight materials from Bio threads & Biodegradables

  • Biodegradables from Gluconacetobacter  xylinus
  • Bio threads Reinforcements in composite materials of Biodegradables
  • Microbial production of Biodegradables

16: Biodegradable polymers

Biodegradable thesaurus has helped to advance the field of tissue engineering. Bio-based packaging materials have been introduced as a green alternative in the past gatherings, among which, palatable films have gained more attention due to their environmentally-friendly characteristics, vast variety and availability, non-toxicity, and low cost. These methods improve both the bioremediation rate and the mechanical possessions of the final products. Physical blending is another way to prepare biodegradable materials with different surface structure and physical characteristics.

17: Polymer processing and modeling

Thesaurus processing involves three thermo-mechanical stages: Plastication of solid thesaurus particles or powder to a congruent fluid which is shaped under pressure in matrix or dies and finally cooled and eventually haggard to obtain the final bendy part. Physical properties of thesaurus as well as the complex shape of most bendy parts make changing a challenge. Several examples (film blowing eviction dies, injection molding, blow moulding) are presented and discussed.

18: Synthetic polymers, nano polymers and nanotechnology

Synthetic thesauruses are man-made thesaurus. For efficacy, it can be expound into four main species: thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers and synthetic threads. These thesauruses are commonly found in a variety of consumer products such as money, glue, etc. In the field of thesaurus science and nanotechnology, Nano thesaurus and Nano clays have gained gigantic interests from researchers and in recent liberal arts.

Nanotechnology plays a significant role in drug encouragement. As carriers thesaurus nanoparticles can deliver vaccine ragweed, proteins, and drugs to the desired site of action.  

19: Recycling and waste management of biopolymers

Bio based biodegradables offer advantages not only on the raw materials side but also on the ejection side through certain promising end-of-life (EOL) options. Especially waste ejection with energy recovery has an added benefit, which lies in reap carbon neutral energy while allowing multiple uses after possible recycling.
Biodegradable in bendy recycling methods:

  • Chemical recycling using Dry –Heat Depolymerization
  • Biodegradable packing to lower carbon focus
  • Environment aspects of Biodegradable
  • Biodegradable in waste management
  • Prevention-minimization of waste, reduction of perilous waste, reuse
  • Preparation for reuse- reparation, purification and razing

20: Future and scope of biopolymer

Futures of Biodegradable demand the manufacturer for new materials is prodigious. However the avaricious of the materials must progress as they are contributed specifically for sustainable development. Applications by the use of new methods should take advantage of the properties of these thesauruses, and the products should be developed based on those properties. Examples of the max used biodegradable are chitosan, lactose, carrageenan, intrasite, polyesters, and proteins together with enzymes and DNA. Many synthesized artificial thesaurus impersonate the natural thesaurus, which is a group of molecules combined together.

21: Polymer physics and chemistry

Thesaurus physics naturally began with the search for the outcome of long-chain connectivity through analysis and matrix understanding. The demographic slant for thesaurus physics is based on a watchable time between a thesaurus and either a Brownian motion, or other the self-avoiding walks.

The raw materials we use are key as our global warming is now exceeding the earth can reproduce and our emission of carbon dioxide can no longer be absorbed. It is time for a change and that is why steel armor thesaurus, as part of the overall steel armor effort, is committed to sustainable chemistry as is underlined by our bio-based documentation. From biomass, generated from renewable sources, like rapeseed oil, wheat, waste, algae and soy, we create biodegradable   for our water-based binders and coatings.

22: Bio-economy and future of bio-based materials

An important role can be played by biodegradable chemicals, which are defined as chemical products that are utterly or partly derived from materials of biological. Biodegradables, for example, are already in use in the soft drink industry to produce bio-based beverage bottles.

  • Plastic as a global challenge and bio-based thesaurus is the key solution
  • Development of Bio-based recycling
  • Well planned production of Biomass for materials and bio-fuel
  • Integration of Bio-based thesaurus into today’s materials
  • Reasonable, civil and combined acceptance of bio economy.


Market analysis

The professionals have predicted the global bio plastics & biopolymers market size is projected to grow from USD 10.7 billion in 2021 to USD 29.7 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 22.7% between 2021 and 2026.

Nearly 270 million tons of petroleum is used every year in the production of plastics. Apart from the environmental problems associated with expanding the non-renewable resource, nearly 80 million tons of plastics end up in landfills. Bio plastics and biopolymers are a biodegradable and natural alternative.

In recent times, governments are taking increasing efforts pertaining to the preservation of non-renewable sources. This shift towards sustainable energy sources has paved the growth path for the global bio plastics and biopolymers market. Along with this, consumers are realizing the ill effects of petroleum-based plastics. As a result, manufacturers are adopting plant-based materials to manufacture plastics, thereby influencing the growth of the bio plastics and biopolymers market.


  • Assobioplastiche
  • Asobiocom
  • Australasian Bio plastics Association
  • BBIA
  • Bio-Biotechnology Industry Organization
  • Bio-economy Council Bavaria
  • Belgian Bio packaging
  • Club Bioplastiques
  • Gopha
  • JBPA
  • European Bio plastics
  • Hungarian Biopolymer Association
  • Braskem
  • Groasis
  • Algiknit




  • Australian National University
  • University od Adelaide
  • University of Queensland
  • University of  Sydney


  • Fraunhofer  Institute
  • IFBB – Institute for Bio plastics and Bio composites
  • Nova Institute
  • TSB Transferstelle Bingen
  • University of  Augsburg


  • Arizona State University
  • Auburn University
  • Boston University
  • Colorado State University
  • Cornell University
  • John Hopkins University
  • University of Arizona
  • University of Denver
  • Texas A&M University
  • University of Kansas


  • British plastic Federation
  • Bio Process System Alliance
  • French Chemical Society
  • European Federation of Chemical Engineering

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date February 20-21, 2023

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology

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